Accounts and Contacts
CRM - Customer Relationship Management

Accounts and Contacts

In Campus, accounts and contacts are tracked seperately. Both of them possess similar features.
Accounts can be customers, potential customers, suppliers, subsuppliers, banks, or group companies. And contacts can be customers, suppliers, authorities of potential customers, or employees.

  • In addition to the identification information that is known about contacts and accounts, unlimited contacts (authorized) for accounts or unlimited accounts for contacts can be designated. A different task definition can be made for each designation.
  • Unlimited phone numbers can be added for contacts or accounts.
  • Accounts can be associated with each other.
  • Unlimited number of documents can be added for contacts and accounts.

These documents are known windows files. Word and Excel documents, pictures etc. can be added by means of a scanner or a camera without requiring an extra process, as well as they can be added via ‘cut and paste’ and ‘drag and drop’ methods. Once they are added, these documents become a part of the database and the original file can be deleted from its location. If Document Managemnent module is being used, text search can be done in these files without requiring another process. Thus, the offers, correspondances, agreements, etc. are saved from being scattered in personal computers. The risk of losing data due to inoperative or stolen computers disappears, and the data can be accessed properly by everyone. The added documents can be opened in their original state within Campus.

As for the contacts, the documents can be copies of diplomas, IDs etc.
  • Unlimited designations can be made for hobbies, memberships, education history, relatives, foreign language knowledge, and vital statistics history of the contacts.
  • Multiple user defined criteria can be determined to categorize both contacts and accounts according to their purpose of use.
  • In accordance with the authorizations, account and contact information can be transferred to Excel or Outlook, and vice versa.